MCEAP’s 50th Anniversary April 26th

Hot Dogs, Peanut Butter, and Jam!

  • Donate  a jar (or two) of peanut butter for the Food Pantry and get a hotdog meal from Aloha Eddie
  • Jam to the music of DJ Earl Brown



With Thanks to:

Charlie Whitescarver – Photography

Jonathan Roberts – Aspire Marketing – Drone Images

$50 for 50 Years! Click [here]  to donate. For every $50 donated you will get your name entered to win items from our Raffle Table. Drawing at 3pm

Order of Events:

10am Invocation:  Father Geromel

Speech: Margie Vitali

11am – 2pm DJ Earl Brown

11am – 3pm Hot dogs by Aloha Eddie

2pm Presentations from Town dignitaries and our partners

3pm Raffle

All day : shop the store!

School Food Drive challenge – win Eddies Food Truck come to your school